Monday, February 17, 2020

This is a rewrite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

This is a rewrite - Essay Example After taking the course, certification is necessary to identify qualified nurses, and show their level of competence. This is useful in ensuring efficiency of their services are enhanced, which is beneficial to all stakeholders in the health sector. During the evaluation stage, each nurse is asked questions and the level of competency in answering the questions correctly indicates how knowledgeable s/he is. This process is necessary to identify slow and fast learners and the best method to be used in coaching each group to ensure that their skills are greatly improved. In United States of America, certification is a requirement during the recruitment of various health professionals to ensure that they are in a capacity to meet the need of the patients effectively and in a timely manner. This leads to higher level of confidence on the practitioners, which is very essential in undertaking challenging tasks. Theoretical knowledge background is very useful when undertaking practical acti vities as it reduces the probability of commission of errors as well as being in a position to make sound judgement when in critical situations. There are different theories that are used to address various situations we encounter, but the choice of the theory to be applied is dependent on its capacity to handle the situation at hand. In this case, the information presented during learning is in line with constructivism learning theory, which argues on the importance of experience in the development of knowledge; it derives its roots from cognitive psychology. In this regard, the teaching strategies to be implemented are aimed at having a long lasting impact on the learner, by ensuring that they will be better placed to use the knowledge in future. To ensure that they have gained from the learning process, evaluation is necessary and will be carried out in line with the class setting as well as the materials available. Practice test and verbal communication evaluation approaches wil l be used to evaluate the capability of learners presenting various concepts that were covered during the training as well as their capacity to apply the knowledge gained to the practical field. While undertaking the training, the level and type of interaction among the learners can be used to gauge their understanding of the concepts presented. Integration of the practical aspects and the theoretical aspect of learning is necessary in ensuring that the learners are well versed with the applicability of the theoretical concepts learnt. In this case, understanding the anatomy and the cycles in the body is indispensible. This approach brings forth conversation between the instructor and the learners, whereby the learners can pose various questions and get them answered by the instructor. Additionally, the presence of a physical specimen is thought provoking and thus useful to the learners’ intellectual development. Additionally, learners are able to work in teams and improve on their interpersonal interactions, which is necessary for their professional development The rationale to be used in the learning process is aimed at strengthening the current knowledge and using it for further professional development, which is in line with the constructivism learning theory. The communication exercise provides an effective platform for understanding the lung sounds. Through training, various challenges encountered in the medical field are addressed, and

Monday, February 3, 2020

Sexual Offenders Registration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sexual Offenders Registration - Essay Example Registering sexual offenders is similar to indication that they are not welcomed back to society even after serving their sentences. Registering sexual offenders with local authorities amounts to interference with their personal freedoms. Sexual offenders should not be registered with local authorities. Sexual offenders should not be registered with local communities after they serve their sentences whether in prison, juvenile centers or probation centers. When sexual offenders are served with sentences, it means that the justice system has given a ruling that is just both to the offender and the person that was offended. Therefore, when the offender serves his or her sentence and comes back to society, the local authorities should not register them because this is a way of indicating that the sentences they served is not enough and that they have not paid for they did the way they should (Meiners 32). The system of registering sexual offenders is approved because it is seen as one w ay that will prevent sexual offenders from repeating the mistake they did because the local authorities will be able to monitor them. However, this is a wrong assumption because when a sexual offender is sentenced, he or she serves the sentence term while undergoing rehabilitation and treatment where he or she learns that a mistake was done and should never be repeated again. Therefore, rehabilitation and treatment programs are enough because if they offer the right treatment and rehabilitation, then the offender should be able to rehabilitate and live a normal life in the society. Therefore, the need to register them becomes unnecessary. Moreover, in case treatment and rehabilitation programs fail, then registering them for the reason of monitoring will not work in any way. This is because registering a sexual offender does not mean that he or she will be followed anywhere he or she goes or anything they do every time. Therefore, when sexual offenders are served with sentences, whi ch they serve, registration with local authorities is not helpful because the justice programs remain with their records (Levenson, et al. 138). Registering sexual offenders is similar to indication that they are not welcomed back to society even after serving their sentences. Each person does a mistake at a certain point in his or her lives whether it is seen as a serious mistake or a minor one or whether a person knows it or not. However, for people to coexist peacefully in society, forgiveness must exist where people forgive each other for the mistakes they do at one point. Without this, the society will be a place of commotions where people cannot live peacefully. Thus, registering sexual offenders with local authorities amounts to stating that the sexual offenders are not forgiven and they are not welcomed back in society. The justice system has a role in the society to provide justice for everyone irrespective of whether one is an offender or the offended person. When the just ice system serves a sentence to sexual offenders, this should be enough for the sexual offenders to serve their sentence, undergo through rehabilitation and treatment and integrate with the society without difficulty. Registering offenders makes them feel unwanted in the society because of a mistake they may have done knowingly or unknowingly. In fact, registering offenders is like putting those who were sentenced wrongly, those who actually did it knowingly, and others unknowingly